Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just Another Day?

This morning started off with another warm up run in the, not so nice, 14*F crisp air. But, admittedly, still refreshing. What I've got on my plate today?
*Print pictures
*Mail a package
*Korean New Years dinner

That's the basic gist of my day at least, to my knowledge.
I'm pretty excited about the dinner. I'm going to learn how to make Korean food! I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

So it turns out, I didn't make it in time to learn and help out with the Korean food :( It was delicious though! We had this traditional sticky rice cake soup with a cucumber side. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures. You can use your imagination and let it wander in how amazingly good it is :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Not dessert, but just as good

So yesterday, my sister and I were going through some tough times. What better than making some yumm for dinner, yeah? So I made some dough and we invited people over for pizza. We made 'em stuff crust of course. There was a hawaiian and an everything pizza. The everything pizza included only the best ingredients: turkey, shrooms, avocado, tomatoes, onions, roasted garlic, and chezz. Mmm mmm goodness.... Then we made a dessert pizza, kinda like a simple apple tart really. So so good. Way to turn an inner frown to giddy joy :)

Today, I was going to go to yoga at the gym, but I ended up not ready till 7 and that's when the class starts. So instead I went on a super short 1.32 run. Later I'm going to meet up with my sister and we are going to donate with the Red Cross. Hopefully I'll have a high enough iron count! I'm debating between going the leafy greens route or the beef route for lunch to see if I can get any last minute iron burst in my blood before going in.

I got my rock climbing gym membership two weeks ago and I've been going 3~4 times a week. Tonight will be the start of another good week of rock climbing! I still need to get myself a harness, but I'm also debating if I should get a yoga mat. I guess I'll just be passively looking into both for now.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A New Year Already?!

So, New Years past a while back. I haven't posted a new entry yet. Hm.. Maybe I should feel guilty. Well, maybe I can be forgiven by posting now, just in time for Chinese New Year. Chinese New Years Eve is tomorrow and my sister and I are having a dinner party at our place. I'm making two types of cake, but three in total. I'm making two new years cakes (there are two types of new year cakes. One is steamed and sometimes then pan fried. The other is more westernized where it is baked. They are both mochi like cake, however the one that is baked is more cake like and spongy). I'm making the baked kind. You might be wondering why bake two of them? Well, from past experience, one batch is not enough. Yes, it's that good. The other cake is a super rich (sinfully delicious) chocolate and caramel cake. The reason for making this cake that is obviously not Chinese is because there is a birthday tomorrow as well AND I might make this cake for my sister's wedding reception. Yes. She has asked me, oh so unprofessional me, to make her wedding cake. I'm in the process of picking a few cake recipes and baking them to see how she likes them. So yes. Three things of cake tomorrow! That's my contribution to bringing in the Chinese new years. Haha.. CAKE!