Saturday, February 4, 2012

Let spring shine through!

Two days ago was Groundhog's Day and Candlemas! I was going to make chocolate rice crispy treat groundhogs in celebration, but I didn't have any marshmallows! So, I made my own. I've done it before and it's actually not as difficult as some might think. I ended up using to much marshmallow for the ratio of chocolate rice crispys that I had. Ooops. So much for making groundhog heads outta them. So I just made them normal rice crispy treats. For Candlemas, I guess for those in France that celebrate this holiday, they celebrate by making crepes no earlier than 8pm (dunno why...). That is just what I did. I had some friends come over and we had a little Candlemas party. I had also found out that there is a superstition that if you can flip the crepe with the pan while holding a coin in the other hand, your family will prosper throughout the coming year. Each of us took our turn at it and guess what?! We are all going to prosper this year! It was quite a fun experience. We made both sweet and savory crepes. Some with tuna creme and some with homemade blackberry jam... yummm.

I had gone to the rock climbing gym with a group of friends the other day and after 3 hours of climbing, I was pretty pumped out. I had climbed some pretty challenging, but very fun routes. So after the climb some of us came over for a movie and so I made this caramel peanut butter popcorn. Gooy sweetness with a slight hint of salt. Haha.. kind of cancels out my climb?

Today I had a brunch to go to and so I decided to contribute by making these muffins that I had been wanting to try (yes, they were one of my million tabs). They are vegan Clementine Chocolate chip muffins. They turned out not too bad, just wished they didn't stick to the muffin tin so much. They stuck because they don't have much oil in them, that's my guess at least. But they were decent muffins. Not to die for or anything, but good.

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