Monday, February 13, 2012


Who doesn't like strawberries?!? I don't know a single person who would say strawberries are disgustingly crisp and horrendously fragrant. Well, I've never heard of such things.

Morning run: 2.45
Time: ?

So, strawberries. I adore you and made a very strawbalicious cake outta you. The cake is just a strawberry layered cake, using really strawberries that were pureed! The filling/frosting was this whipped strawberry frosting that also used fresh strawberry puree. Man did that smell good. Too bad the smell wasn't helping my impatience problem. I always seem to want to get the cake out of the pan prematurely. Yes, that means I did it again. So for two of the three cake layers, their bottoms were, let's just say, not completely there. It always makes me so sad when I do that. As a result... Frosting! Do yoah thang!! I decided it was such a disaster that a brilliant idea had to be played out. My extra marshmallow that I had wanted to try making marshmallow fondant with would have to be made at this very moment.

Unfortunately I didn't have accurate measurements of the ingredients, so I think my fondant came out a bit dry.

All in all, not as happy as I had hoped for. We'll see how it tastes tomorrow. I guess that can be the ultimate test.

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